PLP Banners

We use banners to promote content or products that we want our customers to see.

They are a very effective way of calling out an offer or showing we've got a new range of products. They're often the most prominent thing on the screen, so should be designed carefully and with consistency.

# Showcasing products

The job of a Product List Page is to showcase our products. A customer has shown some intent to visit a Product List Page and we should respect that intent by making it easy to do what they came here to do.

Imagine going to buy a loaf of bread but being bombarded with offers and incentives for something you don't want - you'd probably want to leave. The same principle applies when shopping online.

To make it easy to focus on product, banners shouldn’t appear on our Product List Pages.

# Jacamo credit case study

We tested a scaled down version of the Jacamo credit banner, against the original version. Our plan was to: Simplify the on-screen infrormation and to provide further information when the customer wants it and also to change the headline to match where the user was in their journey.

# Before

Too many decisions to make leading to poor conversion rates

Jacamo case study - before

# After

26% increase in credit signs ups and a +12% increase in total registrations

Jacamo case study - after


  • Respect a customer's intent
  • Allow our customers to focus on their primary task (i.e. viewing the products they've searched for)


  • Don't distract customers with potentially irrelevant offers or cross-promoted areas
Last Updated: 10/6/2020, 8:34:39 AM